A Guide to Solo Female Travel: How to Stay Safe and Have Fun


A Guide to Solo Female Travel: How to Stay Safe and Have Fun

The idea of travel conjures up different feelings for different people: The excitement of arriving at a new place completely different from what you know, the calm serenity of a laidback beach holiday, and the freedom to be able to go wherever your heart and mind desire.

There’s nothing quite like the exhilarating rush of independence you’ll experience on your first solo trip. But as a woman travelling alone, feelings of apprehension and uncertainty are common too.

It’s sensible to be aware of some general female solo travel tips. Taking a few simple precautions and planning properly will help keep you safe and ensure you get the most out of your holiday without putting yourself at risk.

Female solo travel tips


Tip #1: Stay in Hotels or Hostels Rather than AirBnBs and Private Accommodation

While it may be tempting to book a private villa with your own pool, particularly in some countries where such accommodation is temptingly affordable, it’s always safer as a solo traveller to book a room in a hotel or hostel.

Security is better as hotels and hostels are staffed, and there’ll always be someone at the reception desk to help you out if you need to book a taxi or want some advice on local attractions.

Meeting fellow travellers around the pool or in the bar is much easier. Even if you’re comfortable in your own company, having a friendly face or two to discuss the day’s adventures with over dinner can make your travel experience more rewarding and memorable.

Is it safe to travel alone as a woman?


Tip #2: Research Your Destination

A little research can go a long way. As well as finding out about the must-see attractions and places to visit, make sure you understand the cultural practices of the countries you visit.

For example, in some countries, like India, you’ll attract less unwanted attention if you dress modestly, covering your legs and shoulders. It can be a good idea to bring a scarf to use as a head covering in some locations. This not only shows you’re respectful of the local customs, but it can also be an effective way to blend in with the crowd.

It’s always helpful to educate yourself about more general cultural norms and local advice, such as whether tipping is expected, if there are any areas you should avoid, and other useful information.

If you need any advice about a specific destination before you travel or our tips on the best destinations for solo female travellers, feel free to get in touch for a chat. All Click and Trip trips also include the services of a local guide, who will be invaluable for tips and any questions you might have.

Female solo travel tips


Tip #3: Be Aware of Your Surroundings

Even in very safe countries, petty crimes like pickpocketing can be rife in tourist areas. It helps to keep your wits about you, pay attention to the people around you, don’t wear headphones, and take in all the sights and sounds around you rather than staring at your phone.

Your intuition is there to keep you safe, so if a place or situation doesn’t feel right, trust your gut and leave. The same goes for interactions with people. Swindlers will take advantage of your natural desire to not be rude but don’t feel obliged to respond to any requests for help or accept any “gifts”. It’s also a good idea to look up some of the most common cons in the place you’re visiting so you can be aware of them before you get there.

Best destinations for solo female travellers


Tip #4: Avoid Being Out Alone at Night or in Quiet Places

When travelling alone, it’s best to choose accommodation in an urban centre or popular area so you can avoid walking back along quiet streets at night alone.

Even when you’re out in nature, it can be unsafe to be completely alone. Even a minor accident, such as twisting your ankle while on a hike, could spell disaster with no one else around, so it’s best to hire a guide or find a buddy to team up with if you’re on your own.


Tip #5: Consider a Guided Trip

Some people are against the idea of guided trips because they feel it eliminates the spontaneity and flexibility of travel, but nothing could be further from the truth!

You might imagine old-fashioned group tours with a fixed itinerary when you think about guided holidays. But modern private guided trips like the holidays we can arrange at Click and Trip simply take the time and hassle out of organising all the boring bits. You’ll be free to explore with the peace of mind that all your accommodation and transfers are taken care of.

For example, our Egypt Essentials trip includes hotel accommodation, domestic flights, local transfers, a Nile cruise, access to an English-speaking Egyptologist guide, and all the “must-see” attractions like a trip to the Pyramids. But plenty of free time is built into the schedule so you can relax or explore as you wish.


🌍✨ Our latest blog post highlights of following your own path with a private guided trip! #PrivateGuidedTrip #CustomisedTravel #ExpertGuides #clickandtripau

♬ Aesthetic – Tollan Kim


Our Commitment to Safe Travel?

We only work with our fully vetted and trusted travel partners so you can be sure that every aspect of your trip is taken care of and you’ll always be in safe hands while retaining the freedom to do your own thing.

Have you been wanting to go on holiday for ages but maybe don’t have a partner or friend to go with? Wondering if it is safe to travel alone as a woman? Are you dreaming of finally visiting that bucket list destination like Peru or Borneo, but it seems too overwhelming to even start planning?

We designed our trips just for travellers like you. They’re the ideal way to enjoy solo travel without the fear of booking a hotel in a dodgy area or getting lost trying to book transport between cities. Your holiday of a lifetime is planned and ready to book, so what are you waiting for?

A Guide to Solo Female Travel: How to Stay Safe and Have Fun

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